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Houses of Parliament

Welcome to the HeadsUp Forum! Here you can share your knowledge and ideas on the big political issues having an impact on the lives of young people. It's also a space for you to to ask questions and explore what goes on in Parliament and UK democracy.

If you are under-18 you can't vote, but you can still have a influence on politics. By taking part in HeadsUp you are making sure your voice is heard and helping to inform decision-makers.


If you want to discuss political issues between the forums we now have a new debating space called HeadRoom. One of the Heads will introduce a topic that has recently been in the news (currently quitting smoking, your health and using e liquids to combat cravings, then it's your chance to get debating! This means that you can get involved anytime just click the HeadRoom box below.....


Open Date > 20/03/2009 08:00:00

Close Date > 20/03/2011 19:30:00